GRACE and GRACE-FO Related Publications (no abstracts)

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Improvement of JLG terrestrial water storage model using GRACE satellite gravity data

Yamamoto, K., Hasegawa, T., Fukuda, Y., Nakaegawa, T., and Taniguchi, M., 2009. Improvement of JLG terrestrial water storage model using GRACE satellite gravity data. In Taniguchi, M., Burnett, W. C., Fukushima, Y., Haigh, M., and Umezawa, Y. (editors), From Headwaters to the Ocean, pp. 369–374, Taylor and Francis Group, London.


(unavailable) •


    author = {{Yamamoto}, K. and {Hasegawa}, T. and {Fukuda}, Y. and {Nakaegawa}, T.  and {Taniguchi}, M.},
    title = "{Improvement of JLG terrestrial water storage model using GRACE
    satellite gravity data}",
editor = {{Taniguchi}, M. and {Burnett}, W. C. and {Fukushima}, Y. and {Haigh}, M. and {Umezawa}, Y.},
booktitle = {From Headwaters to the Ocean},
publisher = {Taylor and Francis Group},
address = {London},
year = 2009,
pages = {369-374}

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