GRACE and GRACE-FO Related Publications (no abstracts)

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Mean mesoscale global ocean currents from geodetic pre-GOCE MDTs with a synthesis of the North Pacific circulation

Vianna, M. L. and Menezes, V. V., 2010. Mean mesoscale global ocean currents from geodetic pre-GOCE MDTs with a synthesis of the North Pacific circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans), 115(C14):2016–+, doi:10.1029/2009JC005494.


from the NASA Astrophysics Data System  • by the DOI System  •


   author = {{Vianna}, M.~L. and {Menezes}, V.~V.},
    title = "{Mean mesoscale global ocean currents from geodetic pre-GOCE MDTs with a synthesis of the North Pacific circulation}",
  journal = {Journal of Geophysical Research (Oceans)},
 keywords = {Oceanography: Physical: General circulation (1218, 1222), Oceanography: Physical: Western boundary currents, Oceanography: General: Descriptive and regional oceanography, Exploration Geophysics: Oceanic structures},
     year = 2010,
    month = feb,
   volume = 115,
   number = C14,
    pages = {2016-+},
      doi = {10.1029/2009JC005494},
   adsurl = {},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

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