GRACE and GRACE-FO Related Publications (no abstracts)

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On regularized time varying gravity field models based on grace data and their comparison with hydrological models

Eshagh, M., Lemoine, J.-M., Gegout, P., and Biancale, R., 2013. On regularized time varying gravity field models based on grace data and their comparison with hydrological models. Acta Geophysica, 61:1–17, doi:10.2478/s11600-012-0053-5.


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   author = {{Eshagh}, M. and {Lemoine}, J.-M. and {Gegout}, P. and {Biancale}, R.},
    title = "{On regularized time varying gravity field models based on grace data and their comparison with hydrological models}",
  journal = {Acta Geophysica},
 keywords = {gravity field and climate experiment, hydrological model, inversion, range-rate, smoothing},
     year = 2013,
    month = feb,
   volume = 61,
    pages = {1-17},
      doi = {10.2478/s11600-012-0053-5},
   adsurl = {},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

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