GRACE and GRACE-FO Related Publications (no abstracts)

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The design and construction of a prototype lateral-transfer retro-reflector for inter-satellite laser ranging

Ward, R. L., Fleddermann, R., Francis, S., Mow-Lowry, C., Wuchenich, D., Elliot, M., Gilles, F., Herding, M., Nicklaus, K., Brown, J., Burke, J., Dligatch, S., Farrant, D., Green, K., Seckold, J., Blundell, M., Brister, R., Smith, C., Danzmann, K., Heinzel, G., Schütze, D., Sheard, B. S., Klipstein, W., McClelland, D. E., and Shaddock, D. A., 2014. The design and construction of a prototype lateral-transfer retro-reflector for inter-satellite laser ranging. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 31(9):095015, doi:10.1088/0264-9381/31/9/095015.


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   author = {{Ward}, R.~L. and {Fleddermann}, R. and {Francis}, S. and {Mow-Lowry}, C. and {Wuchenich}, D. and {Elliot}, M. and {Gilles}, F. and {Herding}, M. and {Nicklaus}, K. and {Brown}, J. and {Burke}, J. and {Dligatch}, S. and {Farrant}, D. and {Green}, K. and {Seckold}, J. and {Blundell}, M. and {Brister}, R. and {Smith}, C. and {Danzmann}, K. and {Heinzel}, G. and {Sch{\"u}tze}, D. and {Sheard}, B.~S. and {Klipstein}, W. and {McClelland}, D.~E. and {Shaddock}, D.~A.},
    title = "{The design and construction of a prototype lateral-transfer retro-reflector for inter-satellite laser ranging}",
  journal = {Classical and Quantum Gravity},
     year = 2014,
    month = may,
   volume = 31,
   number = 9,
      eid = {095015},
    pages = {095015},
      doi = {10.1088/0264-9381/31/9/095015},
   adsurl = {},
  adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

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