GRACE and GRACE-FO Related Publications (no abstracts)

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First GOCE gravity field models derived by three different approaches

Pail, Roland, Bruinsma, Sean, Migliaccio, Federica, Förste, Christoph, Goiginger, Helmut, Schuh, Wolf-Dieter, Höck, Eduard, Reguzzoni, Mirko, Brockmann, Jan Martin, Abrikosov, Oleg, Veicherts, Martin, Fecher, Thomas, Mayrhofer, Reinhard, Krasbutter, Ina, Sansò, Fernando, and Tscherning, Carl Christian, 2011. First GOCE gravity field models derived by three different approaches. Journal of Geodesy, 85(11):819–843, doi:10.1007/s00190-011-0467-x.


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       author = {{Pail}, Roland and {Bruinsma}, Sean and {Migliaccio}, Federica and {F{\"o}rste}, Christoph and {Goiginger}, Helmut and {Schuh}, Wolf-Dieter and {H{\"o}ck}, Eduard and {Reguzzoni}, Mirko and {Brockmann}, Jan Martin and {Abrikosov}, Oleg and {Veicherts}, Martin and {Fecher}, Thomas and {Mayrhofer}, Reinhard and {Krasbutter}, Ina and {Sans{\`o}}, Fernando and {Tscherning}, Carl Christian},
        title = "{First GOCE gravity field models derived by three different approaches}",
      journal = {Journal of Geodesy},
     keywords = {Gravity field, GOCE, Gradiometry, GPS, Spherical harmonics, Global gravity model},
         year = 2011,
        month = nov,
       volume = {85},
       number = {11},
        pages = {819-843},
          doi = {10.1007/s00190-011-0467-x},
       adsurl = {},
      adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

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