GRACE and GRACE-FO Related Publications (no abstracts)

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Geoid-to-Quasigeoid Separation Computed Using the GRACE/GOCE Global Geopotential Model GOCO02S - A Case Study of Himalayas and Tibet

Bagherbandi, Mohammad and Tenzer, Robert, 2013. Geoid-to-Quasigeoid Separation Computed Using the GRACE/GOCE Global Geopotential Model GOCO02S - A Case Study of Himalayas and Tibet. Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, 24(1):59, doi:10.3319/TAO.2012.09.17.02(TT).


from the NASA Astrophysics Data System  • by the DOI System  •


       author = {{Bagherbandi}, Mohammad and {Tenzer}, Robert},
        title = "{Geoid-to-Quasigeoid Separation Computed Using the GRACE/GOCE Global Geopotential Model GOCO02S - A Case Study of Himalayas and Tibet}",
      journal = {Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences},
         year = 2013,
        month = jan,
       volume = {24},
       number = {1},
        pages = {59},
          doi = {10.3319/TAO.2012.09.17.02(TT)},
       adsurl = {},
      adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

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