GRACE and GRACE-FO Related Publications (no abstracts)

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A simplified gravitational reference sensor for satellite geodesy

Dávila Álvarez, Anthony, Knudtson, Aaron, Patel, Unmil, Gleason, Joseph, Hollis, Harold, Sanjuan, Jose, Doughty, Neil, McDaniel, Glenn, Lee, Jennifer, Leitch, James, Bennett, Stephen, Bevilacqua, Riccardo, Mueller, Guido, Spero, Robert, Ware, Brent, Wass, Peter, Wiese, David, Ziemer, John, and Conklin, John W., 2022. A simplified gravitational reference sensor for satellite geodesy. Journal of Geodesy, 96(10):70, doi:10.1007/s00190-022-01659-0.


from the NASA Astrophysics Data System  • by the DOI System  •


       author = {{D{\'a}vila {\'A}lvarez}, Anthony and {Knudtson}, Aaron and {Patel}, Unmil and {Gleason}, Joseph and {Hollis}, Harold and {Sanjuan}, Jose and {Doughty}, Neil and {McDaniel}, Glenn and {Lee}, Jennifer and {Leitch}, James and {Bennett}, Stephen and {Bevilacqua}, Riccardo and {Mueller}, Guido and {Spero}, Robert and {Ware}, Brent and {Wass}, Peter and {Wiese}, David and {Ziemer}, John and {Conklin}, John W.},
        title = "{A simplified gravitational reference sensor for satellite geodesy}",
      journal = {Journal of Geodesy},
     keywords = {Satellite geodesy, Gravity measurements, Accelerometers, Drag compensation, Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors},
         year = 2022,
        month = oct,
       volume = {96},
       number = {10},
          eid = {70},
        pages = {70},
          doi = {10.1007/s00190-022-01659-0},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
       eprint = {2107.08545},
 primaryClass = {physics.ins-det},
       adsurl = {},
      adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

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